It is no secret; many parishes are seeing a decline across the country. In others, even if attendance and budgets, (the common metrics of success) remain high, there is a feeling by many leaders that something is missing. In this postmodern, post-Christian cultural landscape, is the parish doomed to failure? Is it a relevant institution anymore, or is it a thing of the past?

Tim Glemkowski, one of the co-founders of Revive Parishes, has worked with dozens of parishes across the country through his apostolate, L’Alto Catholic Institute, on renewal efforts and has compiled his findings and experiences about what helps move a parish culture from maintenance to mission in his book, Made for Mission: Renewing Your Parish Culture.

In this foundational course, Tim presents a vision for parish renewal that goes all the way back to the heart of the matter: What is a parish for? Why is there a Church? Why are we Catholic? It is only by reclaiming the real answers to these questions that we can once.

Part 1: Introduction

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Part 2: What’s the Real Issue? 

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Part 3: Cast a Vision

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Part 4: Build a Clear Path to Discipleship 

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Part 5: Mobilize Leaders

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Part 6: Align Everything

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