Chapter 14: Introduction 

This chapter introduces the section on building a clear path to discipleship. Tim reminds us that this is our core identity as a Church, so we strategize on how to accomplish it.

Chapter 15: Simple and Clear

Tim hones in on the most important starting point for people: make your parish ministries simple and clear. This might mean cutting down on some ministries so you can be more intentional with the ones you have. Tim also provides 2 different formulas for discipleship in a parish. 

Chapter 16: Pre-Evangelization (Win Part I)

You must till the soil before you plant the seed. And how is this done? Tim says that pre-evangelization is entirely relational. We cannot evangelize without relationship formation taking place in our ministries and in our parish. Tim also gives the “Four A’s” which provide a framework for this pre-evangelization model.

Chapter 17: Evangelization (Win Part II)

Evangelization is a very specific thing in the Church’s documents. Tim provides 3 methods by which this can be accomplished within your parish, following relationship-building.

Chapter 18: Discipleship

We need to accompany people to full growth in the Christian life. Tim provides further evidence of why discipleship is absolutely necessary following pre-evangelization and evangelization. He gives us the key to unlocking discipleship, which is community. 

Chapter 19: Apostolate

Every baptized Christian is supposed to multiply and make more disciples. How does our parish prepare people for this mission and then send them out to accomplish it? Tim discusses all of these critical points in this chapter.